Mr. Auto Glass

Phone Icon Call Us: (973) 786-2228

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.;
Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

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Sunroof Repair in Dover, NJ

Great for summer days, a sunroof is a great feature for any car, truck, or SUV. Nevertheless, just like the other parts of your car, its components eventually wear out, break, and malfunction. Avoid a dripping mess in the cabin of your car when the weather turns by taking advantage of our affordable sunroof repair service. Mr. Auto Glass provides comprehensive sunroof repair in Dover, NJ, and the surrounding communities. We offer quick and reliable service performed by certified technicians and backed by more than 31 years of experience. Bring your vehicle into our sunroof repair shop for a diagnosis and let our crew fix the problem so that you can get back to enjoying your car.

Electrical & Mechanical Sunroof Repair Service

Step one in fixing your problem is determining the source of the issue. A sunroof fails for two reasons: there is either an electrical malfunction or a mechanical issue.

When you bring your vehicle in for sunroof repair service, we check for both types of problems. Our technicians perform a visual inspection and test the controls and then use specialized tools to check the electrical system. This ensures the correct diagnosis the first time. 

Sunroof Repair in Dover NJ

Mechanical Issues: Repair & Replace

The mechanical components typically break down as a result from too much use or too little. For example, the rubber water seal surrounding the glass will become brittle if left unused, while the gear plugs give out with much use. These issues usually require a simple replacement piece. 

Electrical Issues: Responsiveness 

Electrical problems encompass sluggish and unresponsive controls and require the work of a technician trained in automotive electrical work. From rewiring faulty cables and recalibrating regulators and motors to resolving control switch issues, you can count on us fix any electrical failure in your sunroof. 

Certified, Local Sunroof Repair Shop

Any sunroof repair shop can replace auto glass, but it takes a certified technician to repair your vehicle's sunroof. The electrical and mechanical components of your sunroof require special training in order to repair, and for good reason. Unlike the power windows  in the side panels of your car, the sunroof is in the ceiling of the cabin. This makes it more complicated to access when servicing the sunroof. Our team of technicians has the experience and expertise to service, repair, and replace:

• Motors • Rollers • Auto Glass • Regulators • Control Switches • Gear Plugs

Enjoy the sun and wind again after we repair your sunroof. Contact us to schedule an appointment. We'll get to the source of the issue and repair it in a timely manner. We serve Dover, Denville, Rockaway, Wharton, Randolph, Morris County and Warren County, and the surrounding communities.

Contact Us Today